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miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

Salud mental y capital social en Cali Colombia

Trudy Harphama
Emma Grant
Carlos Rodriguez

Revista Social Science & Medicine
Volumen 58
Año 2004
Págs 2267–2277

Presenta Aura Ruiz - Magíster en Salud Pública - U de A

Mental ill health forms an increasingly significant part of the burden of disease in developing countries. The growing interest in social risk factors for mental health coincides with the development of social capital research which may further inform the social model of mental health. The objective of the study reported here was to discover if there is an independent association between social capital and mental health when taking into account an array of demographic and violence variables.

A total of 1168 youth (15–25 years) in a low income community in Cali, Colombia were surveyed. Mental health was measured by a 20 item self-report questionnaire. The instrument used to measure social capital covered structural and cognitive social capital. Twenty-four per cent of the sample were probable cases of mental ill health. Females had a prevalence rate three times higher than males. Using a model which considered demographic and social capital measures as potential risk factors for mental ill health, the significant risk factors emerged as being female, having limited schooling, working in the informal sector, being a migrant, and having low trust in people. The ‘classic’ poverty type variables (poor education and employment) were more important than social capital, as was the commonly dominant risk factor for mental ill health being a woman. When violence factors were added to the model, the ‘trust’ factor fell out and the most important risk factors became (in descending order of importance): being female; no schooling/incomplete primary; and being a victim of violence. The dominance of poverty related factors, as opposed to social capital, prompts renewed attention to the explanatory mechanisms that link income inequality and poor mental health.

Keywords: Mental health; Social capital; Youth; Colombia; Violence

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Confiabilidad, validéz y punto de corte para Escala de Screening de Suicidalidad en Adolescentes

Lilian Salvo G
Roberto Melipillán A.
Andrea Castro S.

Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatría
Año 2009
Volumen 47 (1)
págs 16-23

Presenta Álvaro Olaya - Magíster en Salud Pública - U de A

With the object to obtain a screening scale of suicidality, assesses the reliability and validity of the suicidality scale of Okasha et al and determine the cutoff point to identify a suicide attempt. Subjects and Methods: The study was conducted in high school students (n = 763, N = 13.825). The reliability was evaluated with analysis of internal consistency and homogeneity of the items. For the validity logistic regression and Pearson coefficient of correlation were used. The cutoff point was determined with Characteristic of Operation of the Receiver (ROC) curve and the area under the curve for the level of discriminatory exactitude. Results: The scale obtained a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0,89 and adecuate homogeneity (item-total correlations corrected: r = 0.76 items 1 and 3; r = 0.82 ítem 2); discriminate between adolescents who have attempted suicide and tose who did not (Wald de χ2 (1) = 1.53, p < 0.001; coefficient b = 0.66; odds ratio = 1.94 (IC 95%: 1.75-2.16)). The area under ROC curve was of 0.89. The cutoff point corresponded to 5 point, sensitivity = 90% and specificity = 79%. The scores of the scale correlated significantly with low self-esteem (r (761)= -0,52, p < 0.001), lower perceived social support (r (761) = -0,37, p < 0.001) and higher impulsivity (r (761) = 0,29, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The evaluated scale presents high internal consistency and homogeneity, with statistical of validity strongly significant and cutoff point adecuate sensitivity and specificity.
Key words: Screening suicidality, suicidality scale, suicide ideation, attempted suicide.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Ansiedad y modos de aculturación en la población inmigrante

Géma Sánchez Márquez
María José López Miguel
Universidad de Sevilla

Revista Apuntes de Psicología
Año 2008
Volumen 26 (3)
Págs 399-410

Presenta Mercedes Jiménez - Psicóloga U de A
Tema "Síndrome de Ulises" (Síndrome del imigrante con estrés crónico y múltiple)
Se trata de probar la relación entre sintomatología ansiosa y el modo de aculturación que adopta la población inmigrante. Para ello, se ha tomado una muestra de 43 sujetos inmigrantes de la provincia de Sevilla, seleccionada de modo incidental en distintas asociaciones de inmigrantes. Dos grupos componen la muestra: marroquí (17 individuos) y latinoamericana (26 individuos). La información necesaria para llevar a cabo el estudio se ha obtenido mediante la realización de entrevistas personalizadas en las que se han administrado dos cuestionarios, el Cuestionario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI) de Spielberger, Gorsuch y Lushene (1988) y el Cuestionario sobre Modos de Aculturación de Navas y cols. (2004). Los resultados obtenidos indican que no existe una relación significativa entre las variables ansiedad (estado y rasgo) y modos de aculturación; sin embargo, sí puede observarse un ligero incremento de la ansiedad estado en la población de origen marroquí.
Palabras clave: modos de aculturación, inmigración, ansiedad.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Atención Primaria en Salud Mental para comunidades desfavorecidas en Londres

Tomado de Integrating mental health into primary care: A global perspective
Págs 173-184

Presenta Vilma Restrepo - Magíster en Salud Pública - U de A

This example from the United Kingdom demonstrates how primary care can be used to provide an integrated health service for disadvantaged population groups. A primary care practice in east London developed an innovative way to include and mainstream disadvantaged populations, leading to improved holistic primary care for mental health and physical health needs, early identification of illness and comorbidity, reduced stigma, and social inclusion. A key feature of this best practice is the close link that it has developed with secondary level health and community services, as well as a range of organizations and services dealing with employment, housing and legal issues.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Las enfermeras son la clave para mejorar los servicios de Salud Mental en países de bajos y medianos ingresos

Barrett T
Boeck R
Fusco C
Ghebrehiwet T
Yan J
Saxena S

Revista International Nursing Review.
Año 2009
Volumen 56(1)
Págs 138-141(4)

Presenta Aura Ruiz Granada - Magíster en Salud Pública - U de A

Mental health nursing is a critical issue for most countries. Nurses in low- and middle-income countries are often the primary providers of care for people with mental disorders. Some are highly qualified professionals who train other providers to identify and treat mental disorders. However, in other instances, particularly in low-income countries, nurses have had very little or no mental health training and receive no support from mental health professionals. The lack of sufficient mental health professionals in these countries creates an environment where nurses without training are often the only providers available to care for people with mental disorders.

In September 2007 the World Health Organization and the International Council of Nurses produced a report summarizing the responses to some of the questions on a survey of nursing mental health practices in 177 countries and territories. The summary of the open-ended questions (e.g. what are the key issues for nurses providing mental health care in your country?) is reported for the first time in this article. Subsequent to the release of the Nurses in Mental Health Atlas, an online forum was held. There were 615 subscribers to this forum from over 80 countries. This article summarizes the rich insights and recommendations from both the survey's open-ended comments and the online forum. The issues discussed include: the varied and complex roles for nurses in mental health care; nursing education; prescribing practices; nurse recruitment and retention; human rights; research; and technical expertise.

Grupo de trabajo de la OMS sobre"evaluación en salud mental": reflexiones tras una experiencia de tres años

Guimón J
Baro F
Becker T
Breier P
Czeslaw J
Dilling H
Revista Eur. J. Psychiat.
Volumen 16(4)
págs 228-235

Presenta Álvaro Olaya Peláez - Magíster en Salud Pública - U de A

La Oficina Regional para Europa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en Copenague estableció un grupo de trabajo sobre evaluación en Salud Mental formado por expertos en Psiquiatría, los cuales, junto con los centros colaboradores de la OMS, prestan asistencia a una red Europea de Salud Mental constituido por 47 representantes nacionales para la Salud Mental nombrados por los diferentes ministerios. Este artículo discute las evaluaciones que se han hecho en siete estados de la Europa del Este y del Sureste durante los tres años de vida del grupo de trabajo. La mayoría de los instrumentos de evaluación que se utilizan en la actualidad exigen estudios de campo largos y costosos, que rara vez son posibles en el contexto de este tipo de evaluación. En el futuro se deberá hacer un esfuerzo considerable para consensuar procedimientos simples y fiables para evaluar estos parámetros y controlar la evolución. Por lo general, las evaluaciones descritas aumentaron el interés y la sensibilidad por las cuestiones de Salud mental, colocando de esta manera estas cuestiones en el centro de la política en la mayoría de los países concernidos.

Palabras clave: Evaluación de la salud mental nacional, Control de la salud mental, Servicios psiquiátricos, Europa del Este, Europa del Sureste